Friday, September 3, 2010

Almost Time

Miss Cooper and I stopped by school on Monday and found this:
The good news is that meant the rugs and floors were squeaky clean and ready for a new year.

Are you ready?

We've managed to put everything into place and the rooms are all set for Wednesday.

Please remember that school starts at 8:20 a.m. on September 8, 2010. The weather forecast looks great so we'll be meeting you behind the school for morning announcements. The first three days are early release days. You'll be eating lunch in school on those days, but due to the early dismissal, you will not need to bring a snack.

It is important that we know how everyone will be going home. Parents: Please send an email to the classroom teacher telling us how your child will be dismissed each day.

I'll continue to update the website over the course of the weekend.

See you soon.

:) Mrs. Durgin

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