Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Study Island and Place Value Practice

Good Morning Friends,

Today we are going to begin working with Study Island.

Click on the link and then wait for me to give you instructions on how to log in.

When you are finished you may select one of the following activities to practice place value.

:) Mrs. Durgin

Friday, September 10, 2010

Off and Running

We had a wonderful first week of school together. We've been working hard to learn all of the routines and procedures and are very confident that the classrooms will quickly grow to become self-running learning environments.

Some of the highlights of the week included:

  • reading Judy Moody
  • creating a tshirt about our summer vacations
  • using playdough to form objects that tell about us
  • sharing our "me bags" and special artifacts that describe us
  • introducing independent reading
  • painting self-portraits
  • working cooperatively to untangle our "human knots"
  • spending some extra time on the playground
  • writing about ourselves
  • completing a word search of classmate names
  • getting to know our friends who are new to Riverside
We're looking forward to full days of school next week. Please remember that there will be no school for the students on Tuesday. We're looking forward to meeting with you all on Wednesday night at 5:45. Enjoy the weekend!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Almost Time

Miss Cooper and I stopped by school on Monday and found this:
The good news is that meant the rugs and floors were squeaky clean and ready for a new year.

Are you ready?

We've managed to put everything into place and the rooms are all set for Wednesday.

Please remember that school starts at 8:20 a.m. on September 8, 2010. The weather forecast looks great so we'll be meeting you behind the school for morning announcements. The first three days are early release days. You'll be eating lunch in school on those days, but due to the early dismissal, you will not need to bring a snack.

It is important that we know how everyone will be going home. Parents: Please send an email to the classroom teacher telling us how your child will be dismissed each day.

I'll continue to update the website over the course of the weekend.

See you soon.

:) Mrs. Durgin